菲律賓漁民要求政府調降油價菲率賓鮪魚重鎮,山度士城(General Santos City)的漁民,為挽救受到油價高漲而瀕臨崩潰的鮪漁業,要求政府對租房子油品每公升調降5披索。調降油價可以幫助供給鮪罐與鮪魚加工品之原料魚重要來源的漁民,對抗不斷高漲的鮪魚作業與卸魚成本。油價依照漁船大個人信貸小佔去漁船作業成本的45%-75%。漁港處表示,自今年1-6月鮪魚與其他魚種之總卸魚量,較去年同期下降35%。鮪魚年總卸魚量平均為400,000公噸膠原蛋白。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News,15 Sep. 2008)FISHERMEN SEEK PETROL DISCOUNTTuna fishermen in General Santos City, the tuna 澎湖民宿capital of the Philippines, are asking the government toextend a P5 per liter discount on petroleum products to keep the tuna 會場佈置industry from collapsing. Thediscount will enable fishermen to cope with the rising costs of catching and landing tuna that is 系統傢俱vital rawmaterial for canned and processed tuna products. Fuel cost alone takes between 45 to 75% of the fishingcost depending 買屋on the size and type of vessel. According to the City’s Fish Port Authority, the total tunaand other fish species landed from 關鍵字行銷January to June this year dropped 35% compared to the same periodlast year. Annual tuna landings in this city has been pegged at 酒店工作an average of 400 000 MT

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酒店工作 YAHOO!


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